Latent phase of labour

This stage can last from 0-36 hours.

Before labour starts, your cervix is long and firm. During the first hours of labour, the muscles of the uterus contract and help shorten and soften the cervix, so that it can dilate. You need to be aware that your labour might stop and start for days. This can be very exhausting for everyone including your partner who may be anxious. It is important to think about how you will cope during this time. Do you have paracetamol, a TENS machine, a wheat pack? Baths and showers at home can be helpful as can acupressure done by your partner. It is very important to stay well hydrated and to eat enough to fuel your body. Balance being upright and mobile with rest and relaxation. Once your contractions have progressed to 2-3 minutes apart lasting 60 seconds for 1-2 hours you are likely to be in established labour and it is time to call your midwife.

If your membranes have ruptured in early labour at home and the fluid is green or brown in colour, please call your midwife immediately – you will be advised to come into the hospital. Other reasons to call include if your baby’s movements have reduced or if you notice vaginal bleeding – bright red vaginal bleeding more than spotting is not normal.